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Yuqian Xu

Yuqian Xu

Associate Professor of Operations


McColl Building 4701A, CB 3490 Chapel Hill, NC 27599

Yuqian Xu researches operations in financial services and digital platforms. Her focus of methodology includes applied probability, stochastic models, econometrics and machine learning.

Her teaching interests are operations management, risk analysis and data analytics.

In her research work, she has collaborated with companies such as Watsi, Alibaba,, Bank of China and ICBC.

Dr. Xu has given talks at academic, industry, and government conferences and organizations, such as the Federal Reserve Bank and China Banking Regulatory Committee.

She is an editorial member of Probability in Engineering and Informational Sciences, and associate editor of Service Science.

She received her PhD with honors in operations management from the NYU Stern School of Business, where she received with the Herman E. Krooss Dissertation Award. She received her BS in mathematics from Kuang Yaming Honors School of Intensive Instruction in Science and Arts at Nanjing University.