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7 tips to prepare for your MBA interview

The main focus is on a woman with long, curly dark hair, wearing a brown blouse, sitting on a gray office chair. She is smiling and holding a pen over a clipboard with papers on a glass-topped desk. Opposite her, the back of a man's head and shoulders is visible; he wears a dark maroon sweater over a white shirt.

Being invited to an MBA interview is an exciting milestone in your application journey. This crucial step allows you to showcase your personality, skills, and aspirations beyond what you’ve presented in your written application. To help you shine during your MBA interview, here are some effective strategies that will set you up for success.

Know what’s on your resume

Your resume is a roadmap of your professional journey, and your interviewer will reference it – as well as the rest of your application materials – during your conversation. Identify your most significant achievements and be ready to discuss them in detail. Prepare compelling stories that highlight your accomplishments, challenges, and the impact you’ve made in your roles. This preparation ensures you can confidently address any resume-related questions.

Anticipate common questions

While you can’t predict every question you’ll be asked, you can prepare for commonly asked ones. Reflect on questions related to your career goals, reasons for pursuing an MBA, leadership experiences, and examples of how you’ve overcome challenges. Practicing these responses will help you articulate your thoughts clearly and confidently. You also may want to practice your responses with a friend or family member to ensure it is clear, concise, answers the question and avoids too much industry jargon.

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Tell valuable stories

Stories are a powerful way to illustrate your skills and experiences. Use the S-O-A-R framework (Situation, Objective, Action, Result) to structure your responses. This method helps you present a clear and concise narrative, showcasing your problem-solving abilities and the results of your actions. Adding a “learned” component to your stories can demonstrate your ability to grow from experiences.

Be professional in dress and decorum

First impressions matter, and your appearance and behavior set the tone for the interview! Dress in professional attire that is comfortable and won’t distract you during the interview. Additionally, practice proper interview etiquette: be punctual, greet your interviewers politely, and maintain respectful and engaging body language throughout the conversation. Your professionalism reflects your seriousness about the opportunity.

“My biggest tip? Be you! Interviewers can tell pretty quickly if someone isn’t being genuine or just saying what they think we want to hear from a candidate. Take the time to prepare answers but be flexible enough to understand how to use that preparation to best answer the question”

Katy Radoll Director of Admissions, Full-Time MBA Admissions

Be authentic

Authenticity is key to making a positive impression. Be yourself and let your genuine personality shine through. Admissions committees value candidates who are self-aware, humble, and sincere. Avoid giving rehearsed or overly polished answers; instead, engage in a natural and thoughtful conversation.

Highlight your fit with the program

Research your target schools thoroughly and identify aspects of their programs that align with your goals and values. During the interview, articulate why you are interested in the school and how you can contribute to its community. Showing a deep understanding of the program demonstrates your commitment and enthusiasm.

Prepare thoughtful questions

Prepare a list of insightful questions to ask your interviewers. Avoid asking questions that can be easily answered by looking at the website. Instead, focus on topics like the culture, specific program strengths, and opportunities for professional growth. Thoughtful questions show your genuine interest in the program and your proactive approach to decision-making.
